Monday, December 14, 2015

It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas...

...and the fall 2015 school semester is finally over! I passed both finals with A's, much to my amazement! I'm so happy to finally have a break, because what a change it's been to go back to school after six years. I'm so glad I only ended up going part-time; it was stressful enough just getting myself used to the accountability of making it to class, making sure I did my assignments, etc. Monday I'll meet with my advisor to set up next semester's schedule. In the meantime, I have so much reading to catch up on. I used to read until my eyes burned as a child and teen, but in the past few years, I couldn't be forced to pick up a book for more than five minutes. It's rather depressing, and it's a hobby I really miss. The last book I finished was William Burrough's Naked Lunch. I read it in less than a month (which is actually slower than how I used to read, but circumstances were significantly different), and I'm still not entirely sure that I comprehended a word of what I read. It was entertaining nonetheless. 

I borrowed Crystal Renn's autobiography Hungry from a friend a while back, and that's the book I've been carrying around with me for nearly a year. It's rather pathetic when I put that timeframe into perspective, that I have been reading the same short book for so long, but it is what it is. I've had a lot going on, and it's so much easier to get lost online, playing a game on my phone, or watching TV, than it is to try to focus on reading. Regardless, all of that is going to change. My goal for 2016 is to read a minimum of ten books outside of school. That's really not such a difficult challenge. I used to set up book goals for myself every year, much in the fashion of summer reading assignments, and would surpass them everytime. Also, I can't wait to review them! I don't think I'll start off with Hungry, since it's taken me so long to read and there are a lot of details I've forgotten, but the main story has luckily stayed fresh throughout. Who knows; I may finish here in the next day or so and be so bored that I write an entire book report! We'll see. 

Anyway, today was my boyfriend's birthday and I spent the entire day with him. His stepmother made dinner and we ate with his immediate family and grandmother, he opened presents, and I came home to cuddle with my cats (Freyja excluded. I'm still horribly saddened by this, and it is ever present on my mind. I've been coddling Bee for fear of it happening to him). It was a wonderful, relaxing day.

Happy Holidays in advance, and I will be back with news after Christmas! xoxo

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