Monday, December 14, 2015

It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas...

...and the fall 2015 school semester is finally over! I passed both finals with A's, much to my amazement! I'm so happy to finally have a break, because what a change it's been to go back to school after six years. I'm so glad I only ended up going part-time; it was stressful enough just getting myself used to the accountability of making it to class, making sure I did my assignments, etc. Monday I'll meet with my advisor to set up next semester's schedule. In the meantime, I have so much reading to catch up on. I used to read until my eyes burned as a child and teen, but in the past few years, I couldn't be forced to pick up a book for more than five minutes. It's rather depressing, and it's a hobby I really miss. The last book I finished was William Burrough's Naked Lunch. I read it in less than a month (which is actually slower than how I used to read, but circumstances were significantly different), and I'm still not entirely sure that I comprehended a word of what I read. It was entertaining nonetheless. 

I borrowed Crystal Renn's autobiography Hungry from a friend a while back, and that's the book I've been carrying around with me for nearly a year. It's rather pathetic when I put that timeframe into perspective, that I have been reading the same short book for so long, but it is what it is. I've had a lot going on, and it's so much easier to get lost online, playing a game on my phone, or watching TV, than it is to try to focus on reading. Regardless, all of that is going to change. My goal for 2016 is to read a minimum of ten books outside of school. That's really not such a difficult challenge. I used to set up book goals for myself every year, much in the fashion of summer reading assignments, and would surpass them everytime. Also, I can't wait to review them! I don't think I'll start off with Hungry, since it's taken me so long to read and there are a lot of details I've forgotten, but the main story has luckily stayed fresh throughout. Who knows; I may finish here in the next day or so and be so bored that I write an entire book report! We'll see. 

Anyway, today was my boyfriend's birthday and I spent the entire day with him. His stepmother made dinner and we ate with his immediate family and grandmother, he opened presents, and I came home to cuddle with my cats (Freyja excluded. I'm still horribly saddened by this, and it is ever present on my mind. I've been coddling Bee for fear of it happening to him). It was a wonderful, relaxing day.

Happy Holidays in advance, and I will be back with news after Christmas! xoxo

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A Short Update

Thursday is Thanksgiving, and about an hour ago, I left my last class for the week. Only two more full weeks to follow until finals! I'll admit that I'm both relieved and a bit anxious; I have a bit of catching up to do. I have a psychology article to read still, and less than twenty-four hours to write a paper on it. Oh well. It'll get done.  

Last weekend, Mom and I attempted Downtown Dining Week, but it was the last second, at lunch, and at a restaurant that we weren't positive was participating in it during lunch hours. So we paid regular price. Which is not anything special to blog about, but have I ever mentioned how obsessed with Kooky Canuck's southwestern salad I am? I haven't? Well, I am. And it's beautiful. ​ 

Mom ordered a chopped chef salad, and we shared the sweet potato fries. Now, I've been spoiled by the fries at Young Ave Deli. They're perfection served with honey mustard. These are served with actual honey. When I read that, I asked for it to be on the side, and thank goodness I did. It was delicious, but I couldn't imagine the toothache had they come out smothered like the menu advertised. No, this isn't an actual review; I'm far too distracted and tired for that, and I doubt anyone really cares to hear me review a salad at a place made famous for their 40 lb burgers. Overall, it was a nice little trip, and Mom got to go there for her first time. (My memories of the place are more of ski shots and karaoke DJs at a former coworkers birthday party, but that's all long in the past!) 

This week will be interesting for me. On top of seeing the entirety of what extended family I have in the area on Thursday and then going over to do the same at my boyfriend's house, Wednesday night is going to be an "anti-Thanksgiving" dinner hosted by my friend Bekka. The idea is to do pretty much the opposite of what is considered a traditional Thanksgiving meal, and considering everyone but my boyfriend and one other friend are all vegetarian or vegan, that's not difficult to do. I have no idea what I'll be bringing, but it's safe to say it'll most likely be something quick and easy, like a quinoa chili I learned to make a few years back and haven't since, despite all the talking up about it I do. I'm sure plenty of photos will follow, so don't worry. I wish I had that original post still, from my old blog... Oh well. 

Anyway, good night, and have a wonderful and safe holiday!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Men's Grooming Class

A few weeks ago, my boss asked me to do a clipper cutting demonstration for my coworkers as a kind of refresher class for the holidays. The idea is to work on our skills to better serve our clients, and I’m very flattered that she likes my abilities enough to ask me to teach, but I was terrified for the longest time. I had my friend Mitch come in as my model, and it actually went very well. I did a no. 3 fade to no guard at the nape, and kept most of the length on top. Everyone listened quietly, asked questions, and commented constructively. I was pleased. I wish I had gotten a before photo, or maybe some in progress, but oh well. Afterward, Amy demonstrated balayage using Guy Tang’s kit.  


Megan reminded me that Downtown Dining Week begins today, and we are planning on going this weekend, after payday. I have convinced my mom to take my sisters and I to Kooky Canuck sometime before it’s over, too. I am in love with their Southwestern salad (fried green tomatoes in lieu of chicken!), but the portions are too big to attempt in one sitting. I haven't really looked into where to go with Megan just yet, nor have I discussed it with Ian, but there certainly are plenty of options. 

Back to the usual work week in the morning. Good night!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Late Wednesday Night

Halloween is only two days away, and I still have not put together a costume or decided on what I'm doing! That's pretty spooky. I guess that means in order to do whatever it is I do end up doing, I’ll end up just rummaging through my closet for something very last minute, which usually means the cliche but tried and true Catholic school girl or a black cat or a very simple witch. All are okay, but I always mean to do something big and then Halloween sneaks up on me. Speaking of, however, my cat has been missing for the past couple of days, and Halloween can be a very dangerous time for black cats, as there are some seriously sick people out there. This has me insanely worried, and tomorrow I’m going to call around to nearby shelters and vets and see if anyone has seen her. All of our cats go in and out of the house as they please, and it’s not unusual to not see one of them for a day or two, but they always pop back up and she is not one to ever leave the yard. In fact, she’d never leave my bed if she could have it her way. I’m trying to stay positive, and she may end up back home between now and the morning or while I’m out tomorrow, but until I see her in person, I’m going to keep looking.

The Downtown Dining Week site has released the list of participating restaurants, but as of yet, the menus are not posted. I fully intend on making at least one meal (lunch or dinner) this year, preferably to somewhere I’ve never been, and reviewing it. I haven’t been since I blogged about my experiences in 2012 on my old blog, and I wish that I hadn’t deleted the whole thing, but it is what it is. Also, this year will be different as a lot has changed in the past three years. I've changed. For one, I’ll remember the experiences well enough to actually write about them, and not have blurry, drunken photos, nor will I be too drunk to even eat my food and run up a ridiculous bill when the three-course meals themselves are less than $21 (dinner = $20.15; lunch = $10.15) before tax. The concept is, they offer a choice of three courses: first is usually an appetizer, soup, or salad; second is the main entree; and third is desert. Some places mix it up and offer two entrees in lieu of an appetizer or desert, or other variations, but the idea is the same. The problem is (and I faced this in 2012 as well), the lack of vegetarian options. I was more pescetarian back then, but more recently have been trying to go completely vegan, and to eat fish would be like backtracking, in my opinion. These days, I usually reserve what little seafood I do allow for sushi. It makes for me not being the easiest dinner date, but I won’t compromise my beliefs for one meal. Either I can eat it or I can’t—I don’t fuss about it, but again, it does make my options pretty slim. This is usually why I make a point to go out to eat with other people, because then I can use them for their reviews. It’s pretty devious of me, actually.

In other news, my boss has asked me to put together a cutting class for my coworkers, because she seems to think I’m the best at men’s cutting, specifically with clippers. While I’m flattered, I’m also a bit confused. I’M the best at men’s cuts, when there are stylists here who have been doing hair longer than I’ve been alive? I suppose it comes down to, everyone has their own particular talent, and keeping up with the current trends. I do a lot of fades, and the classic barbershop styles are getting to be popular again. I’m not a barber, and there are certain things that they do that I cannot (not only because of licensing, but because I’ve just never tried), but I do have my own way of navigating around those things and putting my own spin to them. I’ve been watching YouTube videos to get ideas, specifically Schorem and the like. I’ll need to find a model, and one lady offered to let us use some old mannequins of hers. I want to practice styling before then, though, because I’m still learning all of the products that we carry, and if I’m going to teach a class, I want to walk through the entire process, from the shampoo to the finishing touches. I believe that is what makes the biggest difference in the customer’s experience, and, as a result, their happiness with you. I also need to find people to practice gel manicures on so that I can start offering that as a service, or at least being available as a backup if we get busy.

Anyway, it’s entirely too late and I have a color appointment bright and early! Good night.